Panta Rhei

Panta Rhei

Panta Rhei
Oil on Canvas
220 x 290cm


- Panta Rhei (Greek:"all is flowing"):
assigned to Heraklit of Ephesus (ca. 540 - 480 A.C.)meaning:
from a divine Primal Fire of Reason originate their source happenings in their manifold diversity;

they develop towards Peace,set and,thus,return to the Primal Fire: an eternal up and down of expansion and union;because of Panta Rhei,it is impossible to enter twice in to the same stream for,in the meantime,the stream has altered - just like we have.

a.) the main configuration is an oval circular flow which is illustrated by the large white line and,colour-coordinated with the various colours in the colour circle (blue at the bottom middle and orange in the bottom middle) as well as (observe the reflection in the water) a centre symmetry through the vertical centreline;
b.) there are,furthermore,(major) movements:

- horizontal wavy lines,symbolising water waves (orientated on the oval cycle and,ceating associations of,for example,wings)

- vertical i.e. fan-shaped and,upwards,spreading S-style wavy lines which,likewise,depict water waves

-those are supported by the different sizes of the (variously oval) small shapes and sizes of circles

- by way of the formal and colour-coordinated design (for example,the large Oval seems to float upwards),one gets the impression of weightlessness,of an ascension,of a reversal of limits,of  some dissolving,of a soft (circular) movement of the colours and of the shapes: a feeling of floating running parallel to the process of relaxation and cleansing of a,for example,visitor to a sauna,in-between the cold and hot condition one finds oneself in within the water element.

- This design may be modified:

a.) the number of lines may be decreased;

b.) the intensity of the amplitude of the horizontal as well as the vertical wavy lines may be

     increased or decreased;

c.) the circles may,accordingly,be increased or decreased;

d.) the circles may be designed to an even more oval shape;

e.) stylised elements,such as ice crystals,splashes of water,dew dreps,wafts of mists and the like,

     may be integrated;

f.) this creation may prefer strong colours or,for example,lightened pastel colours;it may be

    designed to such a degree as that the circular shape will be more or less accentuated;

g.( one could hang up this painting at 180 degrees,thus,the upside down.

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