Series 'Happiness'

Happiness 1Happiness 2Happiness 3Happiness 4Happiness 5Happiness 6Happiness 7Happiness 8Happiness 9Happiness 10Happiness 11Happiness 12


Oil on canvas
12part (80 X 60 cm)
together 9000,- Euro

This series emerged in addition to the Jungle series.
Happiness as the chief motif steps in to the background of the strongly coloured world of the

jungle with various different African hairstyles,attires and clothing which,as triptychs,symbolise four areas of live:

a.(three pictures top left):
Element: Air
Season: Spring
Day Time:Morning
Live Time: Youth
Social role of the (African) woman: the girlfriend of the warrior

b.(three pictures top right):
Element: Fire
Season: Summer
Day Time: Midday
Life Time: Young Adult
Social role of the woman: wife

c.(three pictures bottom left):
Element: Earth
Season: Autumn
Day Time: Evening
Life Time: Older Adult 
Social role of the woman: mother of the warrior 

d.(three pictures bottom right):
Element: Water
Season: Winter
Day Time: Night
Life Time: Old Age/Death

Thanks to  Happiness K.!


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