Creme BruEgaLibe

Creme BruEgaLibe

"Creme BruEgaLibe"

Oil on canvas

200 x 200 cm


description to this picture:


Marie Antoinette (1755 - 1793),French Queen:

"Truthfulness and politics rarely share the same bed."


Even in his days,the sociologist Georg Simmel saw a tendency to a turning away from the essential issues of mankind and,instead,a change towards trivial matters.

The trivialising of daftness these days is indicated by the irrational quantity of cooking programmes.The primacy of viewing rates does not need any quality;only "sex and crime" sells.Entertainment kills Art: the daftest product will bring the highest rates/earnings.

Et voila,"Crema BruEgaLibe" will give you what you want: morder,menu and milk monsters!


By contrast,we find increasingly social problems and conflicts,shown in this picture,above all,in regard to the softening/devaluing of the ideals of the French Revolution:

Liberte: the media lose their independence/opinion/presence and,with that,manipulation can be bought/becomes "for sale" (all cultural areas included);the wealthy/powerful only can now act freely - the social poor and weak are being excluded/controlled.

Egalite: social differences deepen and intensify,social stigmatisation (based upon social background,place of residence,migration,education,Hartz 4 (=current German social benefit system) are all becoming a generally accepted part of society.

Fraternite: de-solidarisation,delineating,distancing,rating mania,bashing (the public decrying of other people) is becoming part of our actual civilisation.


Man increasingly becomes a (passive,controlled) object,turning to a less and less (active) subject of his personal (hi)story - heteronomy through socially established atransparent powers that be.


Peter Hartz,former manager of VW,experienced the bottom of his career (together with all of us involved) with his "redisigning" of the social system ("claim and torture") under the ridiculous regime of the son of a cleaning lady (who dragged this formaly respactable profession of his mother in the mud as well as Germany herself).Peter Hartz disclosed/revealed the virus of a cockalorum of this era in an exemplary way by having an affair with leading managers of the car manufacturer VW.


Thomas Middelhoff,former manager of the department store chain Karstadt,achieved his antisocial masterpiece by liquidating the real estate/properties i.e. lease contracts of all the department branches to his personal holding - through which he practically "had to" pay (inflated) rent demands all but to himself...and this was all legally proper...


Georg Funke,former manager of Hypo Real Estate,through inconceivable economic errors (of his own),brought the investment bank to the verge of bankruptcy which could only be stopped by enormous stately help in two-figure billions...This idiotic banker still has no sence of responsibility or mistake on his part and is now suing his own bank to get a high golden handshake...


An enlightened developed nation,internationally responsibly acting and,high cultural,can and must not - especially regarding our current critical economic situation - allow to entertain and support such ill(icit) individuals as their heads.

As a morally and socially involved thinking and acting artist,I send herewith the following appeal to any "free" citizen of this our world:

whosoever will serve me swiftly,the stockpot skulls of Hunt4,Cash-Stadt and Hypo Irreal,will get my picture "Creme BruEgaLibe" as a well-earned award and as a distinction!

A notre Sante!


Thomas Mann:

"An artist must be able to kill if it serves his opus."

Joachim Gauck:

"Do not fear Freedom;take it as a responsibitity and accept it with joy.This will enrich and strengthen your live."

Wolfgang Bosbach,MdB:

"I have been in politics for 38 years: the rift between the politician and the populace has never been so vast as today."
