The Figures

All  figures are joint together in the "Fun Parade"(ca. 25 meter long)


Karlchen Krokodil

Little Karl Crocodile

is clumsy.However,with wings and all those ballons affixed to him,he can fly.

Holger Hoppelhai

Holger Hopshark

The apparently so very aggressive Holger with his large head is able to run fast with his running wheel.He is an ambitions boy with a gap in his teeth and he is sweating by effort. 

Florence Flaminguin

Florence Flaminguin

is obese i.e. immobile yet wants to be as beautiful as a flamingo and stands on one leg.Together with the propeller on her back and her courage,she turns in to a dancing fairy on the tightrope.

Susi Schneckenmaus

Susi Snailmouse

is small and carries a large and heavy snailshell like a satchel on her back.But with the help of her skateboard,she turns fast and sportive.

Kemal Kameleon

Kemal Cameleon

loves water sports and is surfing on his board over the waves.For safety reasons,he has put on a floating tyre.

Jim Pangee

Jim Pangee

is a carefree chimpanzee who will not miss one single adventure out.He is rocking wildly on a bungee rope and clapping his hands enthusiastically.

Katja Känguhu

Katja Kangarow

the owl girl Katja is an inquisitive reader who always has some books on her.With the help of her Kangoroo shoes cum elastic springs,she is quick moving.

Steffi Trampelstorch

Steffi Tramplestork

is impatient and wants to be as tall as her parents right now.With her tramplelegs as stilts,she can strut like those tall storks. 

Ayse Eicheinhörchen

Ayse Unicornsquirrel

wants to stay fit.This she achieves with her skipping rope whilst having to watch her horn.

Walter Waltiger

Walter Waletiger

is a brave boy who,despite his size,dares to balance a ball on a tightrope with the help of a balancing pole.

Winfried Wiehergeiher

Winfried Whinnyvulture

Things cannot go fast enough for him.With his kickboard and the added wings,he races around the schoolyard.

Quentin Quallenquak

Quentin Jellyfishcroak

likes to keep things under control.On a jellyfish used as a parachute,he slowly floats above and over the schoolyard.

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