First kUFOlogic Congress 2007


I took part by the first kUFOlogic Conngress under the Theodor-Heuss Bridge,Düsseldorf,on 7.7.2007. 

(the "k" in "kUFO" stands for "Kunst"=Art) 

Further Informations under kUFOlogischer Kongress.


Leitmotif i.e. main theme of the congress was the unknown within the known,the strange within the familiar.



(literally:"through the rough on to the stars",a Latin saying;it means:"through the night on to the stars"(poetical);through effort comes success)
This saying originates from Seneca´s tragedy "Hercules Furens"(Hercules (has) gone wild).


Alien i.e. supernatural beings

(God,Christ the son of God,Adam and Eve as God´s creation,genii) appear to us as familiar and admired icons in the history of Art.
On the right side of the picture,the male side of the picture,I have mirrored these well-known depictions of Gods and godlike figures within Christendom:thus mirror-inverted,they appear alienated.
On the left half of the picture,I have placed one mirror-inverted female counterpart for each male respectively (axially symmetrical).
The figures correspond to each another through their gestures and all of them are connected through a rolling band of cloth.
In the centre of the picture is the sun ((almost) all religions connect their higher beings with the sun) - the sun´s rays emanate as rolling bands of cloth.


All figures have extraterrestical roots:

God (and Godness) in the middle of the picture: 
Michelangelo´s "Creation of Adam" in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican
Adam (and,from him,Eve):
same picture
Christ (and his female counterpart):
from the "Last Judgement",Sistine Chapel,Vatican
Christ as a boy (as well as a girl):
All figures are accompanied and supported by genii.

kUFOlogischer Kongress

The Kufological know the way.

(from left to right:)RS,Tim Eiag,Martin Pletowski,Joachim Stallecker,Winfried Schmitz-Linkweiler,Mathias N. and Johannis Sinnig

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