SAD - Society for Art Düsseldorf e.V.
Am 10.3.2012 wurde der gemeinnützige Kunstfilmverein "SAD - Society for Art Düsseldorf" gegründet.
Er fördert Kunstfilme in Düsseldorf - genaueres dazu unten in der Satzung.
Der Vorstand des Vereines besteht aus dem Vorsitzenden Mathias Kunter,dem stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden Rainer Schmidt und dem Schatzmeister Carsten Schmidt.
Neben diesen Dreien sind als Gründungsmitglieder dabei
Marta Skegina,Harald Banach,Peter Schramm,Thomas Prien und Holger Börner.
Als erstes Fördermitglied wurde Prof. Dr. Gertrud Krüskemper gewonnen.
Der Jahresbeitrag für ordentliche Mitglieder beträgt 24,- Euro.
Alle Kunstfilminteressierte sind eingeladen,sich dem Verein anzuschliessen.
Die legendäre Gründung des Vereines im Park von Schloß Benrath wurde filmisch festgehalten und ist zu sehen auf dieser Homepage in der Rubrik "Galerie"-"Objekte,Performance,Film"-"SAD".
SAD - Society for Art Düsseldorf
hat eine eigene Homepage unter
hat einen eigenen Kanal bei Youtube unter
und ist bei Facebook unter
Articles of the non-profit associatin "SAD - Society for Art Düsseldorf"
§ 1 Name,Head Office,Business Year
1. The association name is "SAD - Society for Art Düsseldorf".
2. Based in Düsseldorf,it will be entered in to the register of associations after which the
association will carry the addition "inc"(e.V.).
3. Business Year is to be the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose and duties of the association
1. The purpose of the association is the promotion of art and culture,in particular the
spreading and producing of art films in Düsseldorf.The mission of this article will be realized
notably through advertising and,financial support for,art films so as to encourage an
independent cinematics culture in Düsseldorf.
The term "Art Film" (also "avant-garde film" or "art-house film") denotes any film which,off
the media conventions as well as off the regular viewing habits of the public,explores,by way
of its themes and orchestration,new ways of expressing oneself in an avant-garde fashion
and,hereby,leaves the usual - predominantly commercial - expectations.This concerns
contens - as,for example,in Surrealism - as well as film technology with all its possibilities
(such as abstraction by the use of cut,camera movement,double exposure etc.).
2. The association attains these objectives in particular by way of
a.) supporting art films during publications in the print media and in social internet forums
b.) mediating with other public organizations and promoting art films in Düsseldorf
(e.g. with the local Culture Office,art film cinemas,local cinematics contests)
c.) mediating with and aiding in realizing cinematics projects
d.) financial support,primarily in the form of a project-related promotion
e.) promoting any other matters within the framework of any given cinematics projects
(e.g. accompanying publications related to that project).
§ 3 Tax Shelter/Depreciation Tax Shield
1. The association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit goals according to section
"tax-deductible purposes" in the German fiscal code.The association is predominantly a
nonprofit organisation.
2. The association´s means may only be used for statutory purposes.
Its members do not receive any allowances from the association.On leaving the association,
the members henceforth may not have any claims to any of the assets of the association.
No person involved may benefit from either expenditures which are not part of the
assotiation´s purposes nor from disproportionately high reimbursements.
§ 4 Membership
1. Any natural or juridical person who wishes to support the aim of the association may become
a member.
2. There are two types of membership:
a.) Ordinary members:
any natural and juridical person.Ordinary members will be endowed with all statutory
rights and liabilities.
b.) Sponsoring members:
any natural and juridical person who appreciates the association´s aims and may wish
to contribute ideationally and/or financially.
Sponsoring members are entitled solely to receive information regarding current and
future activities of the association by its managing-committee.
Sponsoring members do not pay any membership fees.
3. Application for admission to become an ordinary member is to be made in writing.
The managing-committee decides over any admission.
The managing-committee informs and substantiates their decisions regarding an admission
to the body of members.
In the case of a refusal of an applicant´s admission on the part of the managing-committee
the applicant has the right to a hearing during which a final decision,again by way of an
ordinary resolution,must be reached.
4. Membership ends through resignation,expulsion,death or dissolution of the juridical person.
Resignation from the association is admissible at any time by handing in a written
declaration to a member authorized to represent the managing-committee.
A written notice of resignation must be declared to the managing-committee at the end of a
business year within a time limit of one month.
After a resignation,any contributions already paid will not be recompensed.
5. Expulsion can only take place for grave reasons.Grave reasons are notably any form of
behavior which would damage the aims of the association,breach or neglect of statutory
duties or,premium arrears of at least one year.
The managing-committee decides over any expulsion.
The member is entitled to appeal against such a decition at a general meeting which has
to be addressed in written form to the managing-committee within one month.
At the general meeting of the association a final decision will then be taken.The member
reserves the right to reappraise the decision by appealing to the Ordinary Courts.The appeal
has suspensive effect until a judicial decision enters into effect.
6. Once resigned or debarred,a member has no claim to any of the associations´assets.
§ 5 Member´s Rights and Duties
Each ordinary member is to pay a membership fee.Rate and time of payment of this fee is
to be determined at a meeting of members.
Agreement regarding the rate and time of membership fee is to be determined via resolution
of the majority during a general meeting.
§ 6 Bodies of the Association
Bodies of the association are
1. the general assemply of members
2. the managing-committee
§ 7 General Assembly of Members/General Meeting
1. The general meeting is the supreme organ of the association.In particular,their duties
are comprised of
- electing the managing-committee and their exoneration
- acceptance of the reports on the part of the managing-committee
- electing two cash auditors
- fixing rate and payment date of membership fees
- passing of a resolution regarding the dissolution of the association
- deciding on acceptance and expulsion of members in the case of an appeal as well as
any other duties which might arise from the articles or according to law.
2. An ordinary general meeting is to be held on each first quarter of a business year.
3. The managing-committee is bound by contract to convene an extra-ordinary general meeting
should that be in the interest of the association i.e. should at least a third of the members
have requested this,upon valid reasons,in written form.
4. The general meeting is to be convened by the managing-committee subject to a term of one
month,in writing (via letter and(or email) under specification of place,time and agenda.
5. The agenda is to be amended should any member request this,in writing,up until one week
at the latest before the scheduled date.
The amendment is to be announced at the beginning of the meeting.
6. Any proposals regarding the deselection of the managing-committee or,any changes in the
articles of association or,the dissolution of the association of which the members have not
been informed by a letter of invitation to a general meeting can not be decided on until the
following general meeting.
7. The general meeting constitute a quorum when at least 10 % of the ordinary member are
8. The general meeting is to be held by a member of the managing-committee.Should he/she
be prevented from being present then,the general meeting is to elect a substitutional
chairman from amongst the members of the general meeting.
9. A secretary is to be elected at the beginning of each general meeting.
10. Each ordinary member has one vote.The right to vote may only be exercised either in person
or,substitutional,for a member,against production of a written authorisation.
11. Voting is decided by simple majority of the votes cast.In the event of a tie,any proposal will
be counted as rejected.
12. Amendments to the articles of association as well as the dissolution of the association may
only be decided through a majority of two thirds of the members present.
The above mentioned solutions may only be made after having been given due
announcement via a letter of invitation to the general meeting (see § 10,6).
13. Abstention from voting as well as invalid votes remain out of consideration.
14. The type of voting may be determined principally by the chairman.Voting must be conducted
in written form when a third of the members present respectively have requested a voting.
15. Any resolutions of the general meeting have to be drawn up in the form of minutes which is
to be signed by the secretary.Place and date of those minutes must be noted as well as the
respective voting results.
§ 8 Managing-Committee
1. The managing-committee may consist of a president and his assistant president as well as
the treasurer.The above constitute the managing-committee according to § 26 BGB (German
Civil Code).Members of the managing-committee are active as honorary members.Both
chairman and substitutional chairman have equal rights.
2. The concerted signature of tho members of the managing-committee is mandatory regarding
any substitution.
3. The managing-committee is elected by the general meeting for the duration of two years.
They shall remain in office until the appointment of the new managing-committee.
4. Executive members of the managing-committee can only become ordinary members of the
association.Re-election is admissible.
5. At thetermination of membership within the association,the post as a member of the
managing-committee ends.
6. Should a member of the managing-committee resign during any given electoral period then,
the managing-committee is to elect a substitute member for the period lasting until the next
general meeting of members.
7. The managing-committee may hold a meeting as and when required;at least every three
8. Any decisions made by the managing-committee can be put and,send,in writing/per email
or by telephone are to be drawn up in writing and to be signed by the managing-committee.
§ 9 Cash Audit
1. The General Meeting elects two cash auditors for a period two years.For one of those first
elected cash auditors,an exceptional one-year term of office is effective as from the
formation of the association.
2. Both the two cash auditors may not be a member of the managing-committee.
3. The two first cash auditors´re-election is admissible.
§ 10 Dissolution of the Association and Accruing Association Assets
In the case of dissolution or annulment of the association or,fundamental change or tax-
deductible purposes,any assets belonging to the association will go to the
"Kinderhospiz Regenbogenland"
(Donations Account: Förderverein Kinderhospiz Düsseldorf e.V.
Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
Account No.: 103 309 00
Sort Code: 300 501 10)
The Hospice is to use any moneys directly and exclusively for nonprofit purposes.