
Unter der Leitung von Pfarrer Michael Opitz nahm ich am Ostersamstagnachtgottesdienst "Osternacht anders" vom 11.4.09 ab 21.00 Uhr bis 12.4.09 ca. 0.30 Uhr in der Markuskirche am Sandträger Weg in Düsseldorf-Vennhausen teil mit der Bemalung einer 2 mal 2 Meter grossen Leinwand,die am Veranstaltungsende in viele kleine Musterstücke zerteilt und den Gottesdienstbesuchern mitgegeben wurde. 

Zudem gab es Lesungen biblischer und literarischer Texte,Lieder,Stille,Kerzen,Stärkung in der Nacht,Abendmahl sowie Osterfeuer und Osterlämmer.

Die musikalische Gestaltung lag in den erfahrenen Händen von KMD Oskar Gottlieb Blarr.


Concept for the Easter picture:

The square is considered the symbol for earthly perfection.

In the square picture format,two squares appear,sligthly displaced,as the basic pattern which form a shape consisting of eight corners.The layout of the Markuskirche (Markus Church) is also octagonal,to be precise: an Octagon.The number 8 stands for Eternal Return,for continuous new beginnings (referring to the seven days of Creation) and,,for Rebirth/resurrection and Baptism.

These octagonal shapes are meant to evoke the association with and of a flame.Theses flames are each arranged along a diagonal baseline so to create an upward movement towards the centre axis in the upper half of the picture and,likewise,a downward movement towards the centre axis in the lower half of the picture.

Basically,the movement of all four squares is that of a circling around the middle of the picture so to create a sense of centre in which we see Jesus.

The alignment of the four picture squares follows a certain logic:

- the picture square top left is mirrored in the top right,likewise the picture square bottom left is mirrored in the bottom right

- the picture square top right is like the one bottom left as,likeweis,the top left is like the bottom right.

The flame pattern appears about 100 times;after finishing the painting,the picture will be cut up exactly according to i.e. following these patterns.On Easter Night,each visitor will be given one piece of it i.e. will receive an Eastern Flame as (a symbolic) part of the (customary) Easter Fire.

In the pattern,there appears,as in a vision,the faint figure of the resurrected Christ,in his physical shape leaning on Matthias Grünewald´s Isenheimer altarpiece "Auferstehung"(Resurrection).

The basic colour shade on the canvas (in the middle) is yellow,this being the symbolic colour of Easter Morning as well as a referende to the basic light shade inside Markuskirche.

Die folgenden Bilder zeigen:

oben links die gezeichnete und Gelb grundierte Leinwand;rechts daneben zwei Fotos in der Markuskirche vor der Bemalung;unten links das fertig gemalte Bild und rechts daneben die letzten Stücke der zerteilten Bildes.



Informationen zur evang. Gemeinde der Markuskirche finden Sie hier: www.Markuskirche-Duesseldorf.net 
